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SYMPHONIC BAND: This course offers students a study of quality literature from traditional and contemporary composers as well as important compositions and arrangements from popular sources. Students will gain an understanding of intermediate training in musicianship, efficient and effective practice techniques, and excellent ensemble performance standards. Students will be scheduled for a weekly small-group lesson to better enhance individual growth. Advanced students are eligible to audition for ensembles such as Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble and Pit Orchestra.
* Prerequisites apply, see your Guidance Counselor.
PERIOD 9 BAND: This course is offered as a Period 9 for those students who cannot fit Symphonic Band during the regular scheduled day. This is a Pass/Fail only course. This course offers students a study of quality literature from traditional and contemporary composers as well as important compositions and arrangements from popular sources. Students will gain an understanding of intermediate training in musicianship, efficient and effective practice techniques, and excellent ensemble performance standards.
WIND ENSEMBLE H: Wind ensemble offers students the greatest challenges both musically and technically. Students learn the skills necessary to make the transition to college level music an exciting and enjoyable one through instruction in advanced technical skill with important aesthetic listening training. The repertoire that the wind ensemble performs is considered some of the most important standard pieces of literature with exploration of some of the latest contemporary sources available. Wind ensemble meets daily to prepare for evening concerts, graduation and school assemblies.Prerequisite: Acceptance is by audition only.
MUSIC THEORY: This course is designed to introduce students to the basic elements of music. Instruction will include acoustics, note and chord analysis, chorale and four part composition, music history, arranging techniques and composing of original compositions. MIDI (musical instrument digital interface) technology and computer aided instruction will be featured in the student’s individual portfolio.Grade 11 or 12 only. * Prerequisites apply, see your Guidance Counselor.
AP MUSIC: This course is designed to continue instruction of Music Theory I. Intermediate and advanced music theory techniques, advanced ear training and sight singing will be introduced. Romantic and contemporary music analysis and compositional techniques will be studied as well as intermediate MIDI (musical instrumental digital interface) technology studies in music writing and sequencing. Students will create a portfolio of work with an opportunity for their compositions to be performed at a chamber concert.* Prerequisites apply, see your Guidance Counselor.
ORCHESTRA: This course is offered in grades 9 through 12 for string players only. Wind and percussion players are drawn from the band on an audition basis. The course includes the enhancement of string playing, musicianship, rehearsal technique and small and large ensemble experience. Orchestra Honors requires teacher approval.* Prerequisites apply, see your Guidance Counselor.
CONCERT CHOIR: Participation in the choir involves the performance of music in its authentic style from every major musical period. Consideration is given to techniques and interpretation.
CHORUS This course is offered two mornings before school as a Zero period course receiving 2 credits as Pass/Fail only.
AMERICAN MUSICAL THEATRE I: This course is a practical, hands-on experience with every aspect of musical theatre: acting techniques, vocal production, stage movement, auditioning techniques, rehearsal and performance techniques.AMERICAN MUSICAL THEATRE II: This course provides advanced level instruction and an additional course of study for those students who have completed American Musical Theatre. Students are required to select two or more of the following advanced level formats: student-directed projects for classroom and public performance, creation of original choreography for public performance, creation of original and adapted scripts for classroom and public performance, research projects with classroom presentations.* Prerequisites apply, see your Guidance Counselor.AMERICAN MUSICAL THEATRE II HONORS: This course provides a continuation of advanced level projects contained in American Musical Theatre II. In addition, students will participate in community service projects related to the performing arts. Students will also develop a year-long theme project requiring bi-weekly classroom presentations.* Prerequisites apply, see your Guidance Counselor.
THE AMERICAN MUSICAL THEATRE 3III HONORS : This curriculum focuses on the practice, theory, and discipline of directing for those pursuing a career in theater, film or television. The broad scope of the directing curriculum encourages the students to interact with all theatrical disciplines. In addition to core directing classes, students will develop visual sophistication and a broader understanding of how design elements combine in practical production situations. Stage management skills are also studied and practiced. Theater history, criticism, playwriting, play development and theater management classes introduce students to the wide range of knowledge necessary for directing. Classes include scene work with actors, video and television production, new media and ensemble creation.